Local phone service from a local company. Say good-bye to the frustrations of dealing with a mega company and hello to the personalized, responsive service you've been missing.Now there's a choice. Save time and money, NTCNet can make a real difference. We've been a part of the Mohawk Valley community since 1913 and service and timely responses have been a hallmark since then. So call us and get the low down on our local service. You'll be glad you did.Add our competitive long distance service.We have no monthly service fees and we bill in 6-second increments. If you make a lot of calls you can save over companies that bill at higher increments. Over time it can really add up.Also check with us concerning our business 800 service and calling card plans. These can help make your telecommunications strategy work even better. Plus we give businesses a break when they choose to get all their services from us. Find out about discounts, savings and incentives when putting together a packag