RoboGames, known as the Olympics of Robots, brings together the brightest minds from across the globe to compete in a thrilling array of over 50 different events. From combat robots and fire-fighters to LEGO bots and hockey bots, this open event welcomes participants of all levels. Whether you witness autonomous or remote-controlled robots, the spectacle is undeniably cool.
Every year, San Francisco hosts the world's best robot sport competition, where spectators are treated to the sight of 250-pound robots shooting flames and colliding with each other, alongside androids gracefully maneuvering across soccer fields. With its impressive lineup of events, RoboGames has garnered recognition from esteemed sources such as the Guinness Book of Records, Discovery Science channel, and ESPN SportsCenter. Stay updated on future TV shows, web video releases, and live events by subscribing to their mailing list.
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