Lisa Grunden is the Founder of Your Limitless Potential, LLC and she has been in business since 2008. When she began her practice she primarily did life coaching utilizing EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). She began incorporating Hypnotherapy into her business in 2011 because she felt it gave her clients a full rounded approach. The name of her business is Your Limitless Potential because their are no limits to what someone can achieve when they: practice gratitude, raise their vibration and energy level, cut the crap by cutting ties with all of the things that tie a person down and leave them in the negative muck. She has gone from working with clients one on one in the US to leading workshops, weekend retreats, on-line courses to working with people all over the world. In her own travels, she has lived in the middle east for five years and recently relocated back to the US. She works with clients via Skype, telephone and in person.
Feeling overwhelmed? Do you have far too much stress? How would you like to achieve your ideal weight? Do you want to breakthrough glass ceilings both professionally and personally? Are you looking for love or looking to rekindle and find the magic in the love you already have? Establish Mastery, develop harmony, indulge your curiosity and manifest your dreams. In a journey with me that takes only weeks or months, you will eliminate the blocks, self-sabotage and secret commitments that have held you back. In working with clients throughout the world, I have found that transformation in one's business and personal life happens through the connection of the mind/body and spirit. I use regression hypnosis, nlp, eft, reiki, gestalt therapy, visualization and more to increase my clients energy and vibration so that they can break through limiting beliefs and transform their lives. Whether it is the victim of sexual abuse struggling to reconnect with her power, the CEO or VP wanting to breakthrough yet another glass ceiling and perhaps even go into business for themselves, the person struggling to reduce the excess weight and love themselves, or the entrepreneur fulfilling their dream to manifest their desires - you will benefit, achieve and exceed your Limitless Potential when you stop playing small. Yes, life is pretty good. You are worthy of so much more...