ZebraPoints is the solo-practice of Karma Lhundup, East Asian Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist. Karma created ZebraPoints to pursue his own brand of natural medicine offering innovative, mind-body medicine, laser-acupuncture, and shiatsu massage therapies.
We believe treatment should not only be painless, it should be pleasurable. We customize care plans for our clients to meet their needs and goals. Treatment modalities include Mind-body, laser-acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and shiatsu massage. We offer the deep wisdom and learning of ancient, Asian medicine while using space-age tools. With laser-acupuncture, you can now experience the benefits of acupuncture without being punctured. We use a medical laser that locates acupuncture points by measuring the electrical conductivity of the skin and signals with audible biofeedback when the probe is at the location for treatment. Total treatment time is significantly shortened with the use of laser instead of needles, which makes the cost even more reasonable. We take pride in offering the most effective treatments in the safest and most comfortable way.