Have you ever wondered what organization owns the tall cross along I-5 South that looks like an oversized tree fort?
The answer is the Vineyard Community Church of Shoreline.
To quote the VCC Website,
"VCC strives to be a welcoming community where followers of Jesus are known for their generosity, kindness and service to others. We take this call very seriously. You won't hear us talking alot about doctrine or dogma. You won't be expected to take a new member's class. You won't see people pretending to be something they are not. Instead, you'll hear stories of how we've experimented with (sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much) loving our neighbors - in our neighborhoods! We hope you'll experience a sense of acceptance and welcome that you may not have felt in a very long time - this is a reflection of how Jesus has loved and accepted us. And, you'll discover that there is no "inside" and "outside," there is just all of us together, seeking to see God's kingdom come."