Our first office was on NE 128th Street in Totem Lake, Kirkland. In 2012 we outgrew our space and moved to our current Overlake location on Bel-Red and 156th Ave NE.
We enjoy working with people who are ready for a different type of healthcare -- one that includes collaboration, education, accountability, discernment and open communication. We provide the following types of services: physical exams, labs, acupuncture, low level laser therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, neurocranial technique, pin and stretch, myofascial release, neurofeedback, biotherapeutic drainage, herbal medicine (Western and Chinese medicine), and dietary and lifestyle counseling). Common conditions treated include: migraines, painful or irregular periods, food intolerances/sensitivities, chronic fatigue, MTHFR (methylation/detox pathway issues), fertility issues, insomnia, anxiety, depression, IBS, acid reflux, pre and post-surgical recovery, L&I (work related injuries), Personal injury (car accident) cases, post-concussion syndrome, memory and focus issues.