I was teaching Horticulture and I took students to the Extension Service to be tested. While waiting I would also take a test. When the Washington State Department of Agriculture tested all the Agriculture Teacher with the Laws and Safety test, I took that test and received a 100% score. I decided I would go into Business as a Pest Control Firm doing Horticulture type spraying. I had a customer ask me to do Inspections for Real Estate Sales. I had already passed the tests for Horticulture Insect and Plant Disease, Agriculture Weed Control, Ornamental Weed Control, Right of Ways, Structural Pests, Soil Fumigation, Aquatic Weed Control, Soil Fumigation, PCO General, PCO Structural, Demossing, Structural Pest Inspections, Wood Treatment, and Forest Environment.
Pest Control, Weed Control, Roof Demossing, Anobiid Beetle Control, Rodent Control