The story of our beginnings Olympia Community School was founded as a non-profit elementary school in 1973 by two teachers and a small group of parents. The original name was the Open Community School, a reference to the quality of the community of teachers, parents and students which they hoped to create. Olympia Community School has always operated under the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. OCS has operated at several locations over 35 years, including near the Capitol Campus and The Evergreen State College campus. We continue a strong relationship with The Evergreen State College, with faculty (many of whom have sent their children to OCS) and academic programs (through teaching interns and work-study students). This association is possible because of the similarities in educational philosophy, practice and methodology between the two schools. Not surprisingly many of our teachers over the years have come out of the Masters in Teaching Program at Evergreen.
Olympia Community School's mission is to provide quality elementary education that inspires, motivates, and challenges students. We empower children to reach their potential by nurturing their natural curiosity and desire to learn, their belief in themselves, and their ability to participate fully in their community with respect for self, others, and the earth.