"Dr. Jason D. Goldman is a physician who specializes in Infectious Diseases, especially in patients with weakened immune systems (aka immunocompromised). Dr. Goldman is an expert in treating patients with solid organ transplants or bone marrow transplants, patients with cancer, and patients on other medicines which modify or impair the immune system. He has a special interest in chronic viral infections such as HIV, hepatitis viruses and herpes virus infections including CMV, EBV and HHV-8. Dr. Goldman's practice philosophy is to collaborate with his patients and make sure that decision-making is shared with the goal to build trust and improve long term health. His patients experience his attention to details, collaboration with other physicians and will obtain excellent access to appointments. Dr. Goldman also works in clinical research, which can help to bring cutting edge treatments to his patients for rare, new or difficult to treat diseases, including SARS-CoV-2"