Hornbacher Media & Consulting offers a simple, affordable way for your business to have a high-end website without having to pay $4000-$10,000 upfront. Your business will pay nothing to create your site. That's right not a dime. Instead, we will design your website to meet your exact specifications, including things you didn't think of but will soon not be able to live without. Instead of paying a huge website design fee and then paying for hosting, we just charge you for the service of having a fresh, well-desiged website on a monthly basis. Sound different? In the design world it may be, but odds are you are already doing this with your wirless carrier. Most offer a discounted or free device in exchange for a monthly service fee. How many people would not have an iPhone if they had to pay $699 on day 1? But, we went another step further. Once a month, your account manager will call you to discuss what minor changes we can update for FREE. If after the first year, you want a different look, we will design that one for FREE as well. We believe that it takes a lot more work to find a new client, than to keep the ones you have. We never want you to have a reason to leave. Our desire is to start a life long relationship that allows you to worry about what is important to you, everything else! The first step in ensuring client happiness is predictible flat rate pricing. Everyone pays the same to have their website designed, nothing...