Emerald City Karate, located in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, is a renowned martial arts school that offers world-class instruction for children and adults. With a focus on traditional karate and practical self-defense, they empower their students to live life to the fullest by helping them discover their unlimited potential. Through their age-specific classes, they teach valuable life skills such as leadership, goal setting, self-discipline, and respect, while also providing a thrilling and fun environment for effective self-defense training.
At Emerald City Karate, they are dedicated to improving the lives of their students and the community as a whole. In addition to their regular classes, they offer a range of programs and events including summer camps, after-school programs, sparring classes, weapons classes, and women's self-defense workshops. Whether you're a child starting out in their Little Dragons program or an adult looking to unlock your limitless potential, Emerald City Karate is the perfect place to learn and grow.
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