The Clay Animation Network was previously known as Renaissance Man Productions. It is run by Lukas Allenbaugh, a former elementary school teacher who started teaching animation to his students to build stronger links to curriculum integration within the classroom. Now the business serves various communities for educational and entertainment purposes. Lukas has taught animation for 7 years and mural painting for 12. The goal of the business is to build a community of animators who can learn from one another.
The Clay Animation Network (C.A.N.) is a traveling animation school based out of Seattle, WA. (and presently travels as far as Dallas, Texas). Students (of all ages) who take classes through C.A.N. work in teams to operate a digital camera, construct sets and characters, compose unique stories, and add sound. Class sizes range from 8-30 students, with an age range presently of 5-70 years. All final students works are placed on www.cancancancan.com C.A.N. is designed and run by Lukas Allenbaugh. Lukas, a former elementary school teacher and Artist-in-Residence created the program in order to allow for stronger connections with curriculum integration in the classroom. Animation has the capacity to incorporate basic and advanced concepts in math, physics, and language arts with an infinite range of themes for unique story-lines. The program's emphasis is on the building of a community of animators who can in turn inspire and learn from one another.