Where you can expect - and get - personalized service. At Johnson & Shute, P.S.,we are dedicated to serving you.Where you can expect - and get - personalized service.Operating a successful business in today's complicated environment requires a comprehensive approach to business operations and planning. We take the time to understand the inter working of your business, as well as the overall trends and economic factors affecting it. We also get to know your goals and objectives; we can even help to clarify them. Then we collaborate with you to put together a plan of strategies and services tailored to achieving your goals.Even the most insightful analysis and advice is of no value unless it's put into action, we provide follow-through vital to maximizing results. We simply consider it part of our commitment to initiate, oversee and review the financial and business strategies we assist in developing for you.At the same time, our commitment to independence in reporting on financial statements has earned us, and our clients, respect and credibility with bankers, sureties and other third parties that depend on the objectivity of this information. We are a member firm in the AIPCA and have received a clean peer review report.We believe that the services we offer, and the unique way we go about implementing and integrating them for our clients, are integral to our success. And Yours.