Services, nec, nec, Nonresidential construction, nec, nec, Boring for building construction
Cascade Drilling
Cascade Drilling specializes in geotechnical and environmental drilling services. The firm s wide range of experience includes helicopter projects in Alaska, installing complex multiport sampling systems in monitoring wells more than 2,000 feet deep, completion of inclinometer on remote landslide projects, and deployment of multiple drill rigs on projects to enhance completion schedules. It offers different types of drilling methods, including air rotary with casing hammer, mud rotary, auger, soil probes, coring, and all-terrain track rigs. Some of the equipment owned and routinely provided by Cascade includes steam cleaners, decon trailers, flatbed and van support trucks, concrete coring equipment, air compressors and jackhammers, pickup trucks, geoprobe, hydropunch, and mud tanks. Cascade Drilling has offices in Rancho Cordova and Norwalk, Calif., Portland, Ore., and Woodinville, Wash.