Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts
Sea Mar Tumwater Child & Family Behavioral Health Services
HistorySea Mar Community Health Centers was organized by a group of Latino community leaders and health activists who dreamed of developing a comprehensive health center for the Latino community in Seattle, with satellite clinics in rural communities in western Washington. They began in 1978 with one small clinic in the South Park neighborhood of Seattle. Today, Sea Mar is one of western Washington's largest providers of community-based health and human services.SpecialtiesSea Mar Community Health Centers is as an innovative, national leader in health and social services by delivering high quality, integrated care for underserved communities. Sea Mar endorses and promotes The Triple Aim of taking care of the health needs of the patient, improving the health of the population and at the lowest possible cost. Sea Mar will accomplish The Triple Aim by becoming an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) or partnering with other ACOs throughout its service area.