Virginia’s summers can be hot, humid, and uncomfortable. If your air conditioner has ever stopped working in July or August, you know how harsh the heat can be. The winters in Fairfax and Manassas, VA are the exact opposite: cold and snowy. A malfunctioning heater spells doom for a comfortable home. This summer or winter, and for every year after, make sure your HVAC system is working properly by following a couple of simple steps. First, have an HVAC professional periodically check your air conditioner or furnace. Regular maintenance is vital for a fully functional, reliable, and efficient HVAC system. Don’t allow a perfectly good AC unit or heater to fall out of working order. Quality maintenance saves big money in the long term by reducing or eliminating costly repairs. Next, keep Virginia Heating and Air’s number readily available. We’re always ready to serve the Fairfax and Manassas, VA area. Our air conditioner and furnace technicians are friendly problem solvers with years of HVAC experience. And finally, enjoy the sanctuary of a completely cooled or heated home. For reliable comfort give us a call if you need heater or air conditioning service or repairs in the Manassas and Fairfax VA areas