Windborne Productions
Windborne Productions, based in Virginia Beach, VA, is a renowned company specializing in creating captivating music experiences. With a focus on classic rock symphonies, their shows have received both critical acclaim and fan appreciation. Led by founder Brent Havens, Windborne stays true to the original recordings, delivering high-energy performances accompanied by orchestras. From the Music of Queen to Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard, The Rolling Stones, and Whitney Houston, their shows bring iconic music to life with exceptional vocalists and talented musicians. With a history dating back to 1990, Windborne Productions has established itself as a leader in the entertainment industry. Their founder, Brent Havens, is a seasoned composer who has written music for television, movies, and music libraries. Windborne's featured artists, including vocalists like Rashidra Scott and Mick Adams, along with skilled musicians like Bob Habib and Steve Zukowsky, bring their immense talent to each performance. Whether it's the Music of Queen, Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard, The Rolling Stones, or Whitney Houston, Windborne's shows offer a memorable and immersive experience for music lovers of all ages.Generated from the website