Sullins Academy is a co-educational independent day school located in Bristol, VA, serving students from preschool through eighth grade. With a student-teacher ratio of 10:1, the school focuses on inspiring minds and developing character, offering a student-focused education that is not driven by tests. Through a variety of hands-on learning experiences, including 25 field trips per year, students are encouraged to create, innovate, and communicate ideas using technology devices. Sullins Academy also provides a range of extra-curricular clubs, teams, and activities to enhance the overall learning experience.
Committed to developing confident, lifelong learners, Sullins Academy aims to equip students in grades PS-8 with the academic, character, and leadership skills necessary for success in high school and beyond. The school's program emphasizes a well-rounded education, fostering a love for learning and encouraging students to become active participants in their education. Sullins Academy prides itself on its inclusive environment, where students of all backgrounds are welcomed and supported. With a rich history and a dedicated faculty and staff, Sullins Academy is dedicated to providing a nurturing and engaging educational experience for its students.
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