Safe House Property Inspections has performed over 6000 home inspections for buyers and sellers all over Hampton Roads.
At Safe House Property Inspections, we provide our clients with the information they need to make an informed home buying decision. We utilize the team approach on every inspection, so you have more eyes working for you. We have more inspection hours onsite, but do it in less time. You will receive a detailed summary explained at the end of the inspection and the report delivered via email 20-30 minutes after the inspection. Your home inspection report will detail the visible issues of the home. Your report will have pictures and videos if needed of the issues being described. We inspect the electrical, mechanical, structural, and plumbing systems of your potential purchase. We also offer more value and protection with every inspection. * RecallChek on all the major appliances, * Limited 90 Day warranty * MoldSafe and SewerGard * A membership to Home Owners Resource * You are also eligible to get an 18 month home warranty for the price of one year at no additional cost courtesy of Residential Warranty Services. * Personal concierge set up your utilities, phone, TV, internet, and security systems. Make sure to visit our website to see all that is included with our home inspections. Additional services include mold sampling and sewer scoping services. Make sure you