Business first started as a side business with clientele from the corporate side of the company that I worked at full time. I then put the business on the back burner in 2009 to work for a few other companies and did not have the time to have a side business. So in August of 2015, decided to revive the business as a full time venture.
- Windows Based: Desktop, Laptop, and All-In-One Repairs. - Mobile Security Services, Residential & Businesses. - Data Recovery: For Home Users, and Small Businesses. - System Optimization and Cleanup. - DC Jack Repair: Desktops, Laptops, and All-In-One PC's - Certified Managed Service Provider (MSP), and Cyber Security Solutions for Residential & Small Businesses. - In-depth Virus/Malware Removal. - Game Console: Cleaning and cooling Overhaul. - One on One Tutorials. - Advanced Soldering.