Bud Forest Entertainment Inc is a renowned production company based in Williamsburg, VA, specializing in the creation and execution of captivating live shows. Led by Bud Forrest, the creator and producer of the acclaimed musical revue, IN THE MOOD, the company has been delighting audiences for over 25 years. With a talented cast of performers and a world-class production staff, Bud Forest Entertainment Inc brings the music of the 1930s and 40s to life, offering a nostalgic, jazzy, and patriotic experience that is as authentic as it gets.
Featuring a sensational 13-piece String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra, along with the fabulous IN THE MOOD Singers and Dancers, Bud Forest Entertainment Inc presents a musical journey that celebrates the Swing era and the last time in the 20th century when all Americans were united by a common popular music. With meticulous attention to detail in music arrangements, costumes, and choreography, their shows transport audiences back in time, leaving them with a heightened musical knowledge repertoire and a soulful experience that lingers long after the final note.
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