When we first set out to make our products, we did not foresee it as a business venture so much as a way to help those close to us in our personal lives. When our family members started bringing home electronic cigarettes and using e-juices from a number of online resources, we decided that we would do some research into the manufacturing process and see what exactly our friends and family were inhaling. We quickly realized that there were no regulations on the market yet, and most companies didn't bother to list the ingredients they used, the latter concerned us. With those close to us using these devices in place of their old habits, we thought it would be wise to manufacture a product for them without the harmful additives. Knowing exactly which ingredients were being used in the mixing process was a huge relief for them and us. We spent many months working on our first few flavors, getting feedback from those around us on what they liked and disliked about each flavor...