Originally opened under the name Dae Mang Learning Academy, and was later renamed Infinite Success Academy, to reflect our core values as an Early Childhood Education center. Grand Master Kwon envisions a school where students are able to explore their natural curiosities, while gaining the foundation for a successful life, and building character. ISALSC was established February of 2017, with its new visions in mind. Infinite Success Academy is a one of a kind learning experience, that offers a unique blend of body and mind education. By offering FREE Tae Kwon Do to all students 4 years and older.
Infinite Success Academy provides a unique, hands-on, high quality of body and mind education, to achieve the individual success of each child. We enroll students from 2 years old to 12 years old. & pick up from local elementary schools. Our program is based solely on the idea that each child holds the key to their own success. We believe given the proper motivation, skills, and environment, that each child will obtain individual success. Students 4 years and older, are encouraged to participate in our FREE Tae Kwon Do classes that are offered daily. We provide Tae Kwon Do instructors that are highly trained by Grand Master Kwon, to bring your child the pinnacle of modern Tae Kwon Do. Respect. Leadership. Responsibility. Communication. Patience. Discipline. Honesty. Awareness. It's not about what we may do for our children. But, what we can teach our children to do for themselves, so that they may be successful human beings.