Through the ages, Mother Nature worked alone splashing the countryside with brilliant colors. In 1983, there were very few sources for wildflower seeds and the seeds that were available were prohibitively expensive. Today, Wildseed Farms in Fredericksburg, Texas lends a hand. John R. Thomas, Wildseed's founder and president, knows the importance beautiful wildflowers along our highways. The public's love of wildflowers and demands from landscape contractors and the highway department motivated Thomas to turn his sideline turf seeding business into a full-time wildflower farm. In addition, he developed a machine to plant the tiny seeds and another to harvest them. The new company pioneered the practice of planting wildflowers in rows on large acreage.
Wildseed Farms is the world's largest working wildflower farm in the world. We have 200 acres of wildflowers in various stages of development here on the farm. Springtime visitors will likely see Texas bluebonnets, red corn poppies, phlox, and a gorgeous array of other spring flowers. Summer visitors will enjoy cosmos, sunflowers, zinnias and other warm weather bloomers. In the fall, the fields are planted for the following year's color. Visit the Shops at Wildseed Farms for boutique and gift items, visit our Brewbonnet Biergarten, Taste Texas Wines in our Tasting Area, Shop for beautiful pottery and landscaping items in our Nursery. Come for the wildflowers, stay for the atmosphere