On January 19, 1987, a small group of faithful people gathered at DJ's Pub to worship as gay and lesbian Christians and beloved allies. Our founding members, fueled by the Holy Spirit and the witness of the Gospel of Christ, yearned for a place to call their church home, and for an LGBT-identified person in Wichita Falls, that was not a simple task. Our newly-founded church opened its doors to all who would come and all who needed sanctuary. Later that year, this new faith community officially affiliated with the denomination of Metropolitan Community Churches. We have evolved along with the denomination to understand that our ministry is that of spreading the gospel of God's all-inclusive love. Our church is passionate about finding a place for all who would but follow Christ's example. Our congregation strives to welcome everyone and anyone who comes to us for spiritual nourishment and purpose. We hope you will join us by becoming one who offers that nourishment to others!
Wichita Falls MCC is an exuberantly inclusive, loving, and serving community of faith offering God's promise, Christ's salvation, and the Holy Spirit's comfort to all people. Our mission to accomplish this vision of our church is to: Gather in compassionate kinship with acceptance of all, Encourage awakenings within the diverse paths of following Christ, and Celebrate a common faith in a loving God, endless hope in the face of suffering and doubt, and the many gifts of the Spirit present in the Body of Christ.