For over 25 years, Vogel Alcove has provided free quality child development services for Dallas' youngest victims of poverty: homeless children 6 weeks to 5 years old. Vogel Alcove is the only free comprehensive early childhood education program in the city of Dallas whose primary focus is to provide free childcare and case management for children and their families residing at 18 local emergency shelters, domestic violence shelters and housing programs.
Vogel Alcove provides the following free services to homeless families: free quality childcare and educational enrichment activities; screening for developmental delays; play, speech, physical, and occupational therapies; breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack; baby formula, diapers, wipes, and other childcare supplies; clothes and childcare supplies provided free of charge to Alcove families; adult therapy, family counseling, and parenting classes; access to Parkland Hospital's HOMES Van for healthcare; and access to a host of community resources through collaborating agencies.