Texas Utility Studies Inc is a registered engineering firm that specializes in performing predominant use studies for utility sales tax exemption for manufacturing companies. We have performed thousands of these studies and are in our 20th year of operation. We utilize business knowledge, tax experts and engineering personnel to offer a complete group that will satisfy the State requirements for this exemption.
Texas Utility Studies Inc. is a state of Texas registered Engineering firm (#9834) that performs electrical and natural gas predominant use studies to qualify businesses for Texas sales tax exemption under Texas Tax Code (151.317) Rule 3.295. Texas Utility Studies uses the latest IT technologies and a proprietary process to provide a competitive priced best in class solution for your business. No fees are charged unless a sales tax exemption is obtained for your business. In some cases refunds (up to 48 months) cover the cost of the study therefore your business is essentially paid to have a study performed.