We started in the health and wellness business in 1995 under the name Nutrition For Life. We are formally known as the Healthy Hair Society. Although, our names may have changed, our quality of service and delivery of positive results has not. Our story is a bit different. We started the Hair Loss Business accidentally as we actually stumbled upon hair restoration because we were getting such great results with our nutritional clients in restoring their hair to it's original health. People were taking our brand of supplements to feel better, yet by sheer accident, they were also growing their hair back to greater lengths than ever before1 Talking about a pleasant and welcomed surprise that was for them. We understand that many hair restoration practitioners enter the hair loss business from the Cosmetic side of the business. We entered from the nutritional side. We've discovered what works best over the years through trial, error, research and most importantly results!
Stop Hair Loss Today! Here we take hair loss seriously. We understand first-hand the pain associated with losing your precious locks. We will deal with the problem. Our team of Hair Loss Detectives will take all of the information and use all of the clues we find to determine what is causing your hair loss and deal with the Hair Loss Bully. We offer a wide range of hair restoration and hair replacement services. However, because we have such a high rate of success in hair restoration, we do very little replacement such as hair pieces and toupees, except by request for cosmetic procedures or unless someone has a case so extreme that it is beyond our scope. We then send you to other Hair Loss Experts who specialize in surgical procedures. All of our procedures are non surgical, safe and proven effective from over 22 years in the health and wellness arena.