Founded in September of 1993, TeCo Theatrical Productions is an award-winning multicultural theater company with IRC 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status. Our mission is to cultivate a diverse and vibrant arts community while creating sustainable opportunities for local and emerging artists through performances and education. We impact more than 15,000 adults and children each year via seasonal performances and student outreach programs. The specific objectives and purposes of this corporation are to: 1) provide cultural and artistic opportunities for children and families who live in at-risk communities, 2) provide instruction in theater other art forms,3) sponsor special events involving public performances of plays, musicals, dance and other art forms collaborating with community performing arts groups in order to broaden the cultural experience to a more diverse population, and 4) directly engage in and to facilitate of the arts generally.
TeCo Theatrical Productions is a multicultural theatre company that offers a full season of jazz and theater company and an array of year round arts education programs at the Bishop Arts Theatre Center.