Swiftech was created with the idea of connecting people with a Technician they could count on. Shortly after acquiring his degree in Computer Science and Web Design, Swiftech Founder, Jason Dolson, began working as an IT Consultant. He spent his free time assisting family and friends with their technical issues, and noticed almost immediately that IT service was not what it should be. He quickly learned that most people do not get the whole story, and sometimes are even flat out lied to, when speaking to other computer repair companies. Seeing these dishonest business practices inspired Jason to start his own company, one that would offer fair prices, free diagnostics, and most importantly, always tell clients the truth about their computers.
Swiftech offers a range of services to both residential and commercial clients, and we're always just a phone call away. We pride ourselves on the relationships with our customers, which is why referrals are our number one source of business. Swiftech understands the importance of privacy for individuals and companies alike. With this in mind, we guarantee all files and information we are given access to will be kept completely confidential.