Sultana Steam was launched after years of research and training. Our advisory board consists of an M.D., R.N., Certified Herbalist, M.M., Business Development Manager, Director of Health & Wellness, and Post-partum Doula. We collectively have over 25 years of experience and are committed to helping you in your journey to optimal womb health.
Sultana Steam specializes in Peristeam Hydrotherapy-a complete Vaginal Steam (A.K.A Yoni Steam; V-steam) Therapeutic treatment. We offer ALL vaginal steam products and services to aid you in your journey to ultimate womb health. Our Steam Sauna Seats are state of the art and come with complete DIY instructions. Our herbs are Certified Organic and customized for your specific needs. We offer dietary supplements, meal plans, and are truly committed to helping you live your best life!