The Southern Institute of Aikido, located in McAllen, Texas, is a renowned martial arts school offering expert instruction in the art of Aikido. Led by experienced instructors, including Shihan Edward V Contreras, a 6th Degree Black Belt with over 50 years of practice, the institute has played a significant role in promoting Aikido throughout Texas, establishing numerous dojos and teaching countless students. With a commitment to inclusivity, Shihan Contreras also provides Aikido instruction in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language (ASL).
Sensei Victor Garza III, a 4th Degree Black Belt, is another esteemed instructor at the Southern Institute of Aikido. With a training background that spans various Aikido associations, Sensei Garza brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his teachings. Having returned to the institute after a journey through different Aikido organizations, he is dedicated to assisting Shihan Contreras in imparting their expertise to students at the Southern Institute of Aikido.
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