...Founded by Jerry Gordon, CPA. ...In 2004 Jerry and his daughter, Kristen Gordon, began working as a team preparing income tax returns for individuals and sole-proprietorships. ...In April of 2020, Jerry retired and Kristen is now the proprietor of the business. ...In April of 2020 South Austin Tax Service LLC acquired Heston Tax Company after the founder, Perry Heston, sadly passed away. Longtime friends and colleagues, both companies formed a strong and lasting network of support and resources over the past two decades.
...Individual income tax return filing...Sole-proprietorship and Single-Member LLC reporting...1040X Amended Tax Return filing...Investment, stock and rental property reporting...Schedule K-1 reporting...Final tax return filing for deceased individuals...Stock option sale reporting with documentation approval only...Responses to IRS notices and letters...Back tax filings...IRS payment plans...