Sentient Beeing Farms is a local family business/startup. My dad and I work together on every removal and relocation. Between my honey bee knowledge and my dad's decades of building/construction experience we make a great team for ethical bee removal and structure repair and buildback. Our physical bee yard is located in Todd Mission, TX, home of the Texas Renaissance Festival. Application of ethical and eco-conscious beekeeping methods is of the utmost importance to me. We mindfully work with and utilize every aspect of our awe-inspiring honeybees. Through bee removals, swarm relocation, and working with local beekeepers the bee yard is made up of local bees which therefore produce local honey, pollinate local plants, and enhance the health of the local ecology. I personally research, develop, and create all of the goods sold from Sentient Beeing Farms. Some of these products include beeswax candles, skin salves, lotions, and lip balms. Additionally, many of the skincare products ar
We specialize in eco-friendly bee removal, construction and bee removal, bee relocation, and we save the bees and the honey.