I began working as a professional Psychic Medium in 2014 after taking a few years to develop my gifts and my connection with spirit and the angels. Once I became comfortable and confident in my skills I launched Lightwork by Leslie to offer private readings, Guided Angel Meditation Group, psychic development workshops and crystal energy healing (Reiki).
Lightwork is a term used to describe spiritual-based healing practices that are aimed toward promoting a balanced, more positive and loving lifestyle in order to create overall well-being on a grander scale. One who performs lightwork is often passionate about the healing arts and is spiritually connected through their intuitive and empathic skills and the various clair-senses that they are equipped with. There are many ways in which I can connect with spirit and the angels through my lightwork in order to provide healing through angelic and spiritually guided readings, workshops and energy work. I am an empath who can hear their words with the gift of clairaudience, gain innate knowledge through claircognizance, feel sensations and emotions spirits have felt in their lifetime with clairsentience, as well as receive visuals with inner sight, called clairvoyance. All are tools I use to help guide me through my readings. I am passionate about helping people live fuller, happier and healthier lives through the lightwork that I offer and hope all who seek my services find peace and abundance in the messages they receive.