Born in 2002 - Oyster_The Race is the Original Urban Adventure Race in the US. A true pioneer to a now main-stream sport in the racing world.
Merrell's Oyster_The Race is the ORIGINAL urban adventure race. Combining athleticism & intelligence, this ball buster of a race will have you running, biking, performing strange tasks & solving mind wrenching mysteries all while utilizing technology. We challenge the predictable & always create unforgettable experiences. Get ready to play fearlessly. Oyster is the perfect challenge for mind & body. Our exceptional course architecture ranges from 10 - 30 miles and 2 - 6 hours of ridiculous fun. We provide an endurance level to suit all appetites, especially the thirsty. Each adventure is celebrated with ice cold beer at the finish line. For a few hours of awesome Full: 3-6 hrs, 20-30 miles, Team of 3 Relay: 3-6 hrs, 20-30 miles, Team of 4-6 Half: 2-4 hrs, 10-15 miles, Teams of 3