The Mineral Wells Police Department is a small-town organization dedicated to serving the community with excellence, transparency, and compassion. Comprised of 32 sworn personnel, 3 part-time sworn personnel, and 15 civilian staff, the department is committed to reducing crime and improving the quality of life in Mineral Wells. Led by Chief Tim Denison, the department strives to maintain strong relationships and partnerships with businesses, citizens, and other law enforcement agencies.
With a mission to protect the rights of all individuals within its jurisdiction, the Mineral Wells Police Department aims to create a community free from crime and disorder. Through education, prevention, enforcement, and community partnership, the department works in a fair, responsive, and professional manner to ensure the safety and security of the city's residents. As a progressive agency in a fast-growing community, the department actively collaborates with businesses and citizens to address the needs of the community and proactively combat crime.
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