Voted Favorite Urologist in McAllen by The Monitor. Thank you for your trust and confidence in selecting Dr. Seiba. Our staff is committed to providing the finest patient-focused urologic care with close attention to patient needs in a compassionate, friendly, and personalized environment. Dr. Seiba has treated patients from a variety of cities throughout the Rio Grande Valley including: McAllen, Mission, Sharyland, Edinburg, Alamo, Donna, San Juan, Weslaco, Harlingen, Brownsville, Rio Grade City, Zapata, Penitas, La Joya, Pharr, and Laredo. In an effort to be accommodative, Dr. Seiba treats patients at Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, Cornerstone Hospital, Edinburg Regional Hospital, McAllen Medical Center, Mission Regional Hospital, and Rio Grande Regional Hospital.
Among the urologic diseases treated by Dr. Seiba are prostate cancer, enlargement of the prostate, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, kidney stones, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, and a variety of male and female urologic conditions