The McKinney Chamber of Commerce is a membership-based organization that advocates for, and works with, our member businesses. We are approximately 1,200 members strong, representing businesses of all sizes. Through the guidance of outstanding business leaders, there is a hundred-year history of accomplishment in McKinney that is the result of the support and involvement of the Chamber of Commerce. The McKinney Chamber of Commerce is operated by a Board of Directors; an Executive Board, various Committees and a permanent staff of 15. We publish a monthly newsletter, McKinney Business Focus; a bi-monthly magazine, McKinney Living; an annual Relocation Guide; as well as area maps. We are a not-for-profit 501(c)6 organization.
The McKinney Chamber of Commerce is an advocate for the McKinney business community and proudly serves as the unified business voice of McKinney. Additional information. The McKinney Chamber publishes McKinneyOnline.com and McKinney Magazine, keeping a growing community connected.