Madiha Ashraf, MD is originally from Pakistan and graduated from one of the most prestigious medical colleges in Pakistan—The Aga Khan University—in 2005. Dr. Ashraf moved to Houston, TX for her residency at The Methodist Hospital from 2007-2010 and then a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at The University of Houston from 2010-2012. After completing her training, she opted to stay at the Texas Medical Center and joined The Methodist Hospital as an Infectious Diseases consultant and Assistant Professor of Medicine. The Methodist Hospital has a robust teaching program affiliated with Weill Cornell University and Texas A&M. During her time there from 2012-2022, she was actively involved in training medical students from both these prestigious universities and residents of The Methodist Hospital itself. During the COVID pandemic, Dr. Ashraf was at the forefront of physicians treating and investigating this infection. She was the primary investigator and co-author of two studies related to the treatment of COVID infection, namely oral favipiravir and convalescent plasma. After ten years of practice at the Texas Medical Center, she brings valuable experience in treating a wide spectrum of infections and their complications. In her free time, Dr. Ashraf enjoys cooking for and traveling with her husband and three children.