Immunize El Paso (IZEP), a pseudo safety-net immunization provider, has been serving the metropolitan and rural areas of our region since 1995. IZEP operates three brick and mortar locations, strategically located in areas where we can best target key demographics where our services will be best utilized. The organization works in partnership with the El Paso Department of Public Health & area school districts by coordinating immunization projects throughout the borderland. IZEP also hosts comprehensive vaccination campaigns during the 'back-to-school' and flu seasons, taking needed services into the community. This tactic reduces many of the barriers to immunization, ultimately fostering safer and healthier communities & neighborhoods. We are also actives members of the Texas Immunization Stakeholders Working Group, advocates and partners with The Immunization Partnership and founding members of the El Paso Immunization Coalition.
Adult & child immunizations, flu vaccines, laboratory screenings for healthcare students, travel vaccinations.