Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Nutrition specialist, Internal medicine practitioners
Dr. Jose Seda's Wellness Allegiance
Pain management is one of the most significant challenges in medicine. Until now we haven't found anything that is consistently safe, effective and affordable. We are stuck with therapies that have side effects, are expensive, or are not as effective as we would like. Ozone therapy is the answer many were hoping for. It’s effectiveness and safety on musculoskeletal conditions has been well established in multiple studies. From herniated discs to arthritis, ozone has been changing the way pain is treated. Very different than anything else out there, ozone is a natural treatment that instead of masking the pain it is correcting the source of the pain. That is why it has long term benefits in most cases. "My passion is to lead motivated patients to Restore their Bodies to an Optimal State so they can Realize God's purpose" Health is the most valuable thing you need to have a fulfilling Life (besides God). Without health, you can’t be there for your loved ones or fulfill your purpose. It’s hard to have Peace of mind with the uncertainty of what your future health status will be. Without health we can’t be as productive or effective, we are not the best version of ourselves. What good is money for without health? I was a patient myself, taking several medications but suffering multiple medical issues without answers. Since I’ve learned the way of Reversing all my illnesses, I have helped thousands of patients and now I want to help you achieve the same results. I believe that by treating those root causes in the safest way possible, your body can heal from most illnesses. It’s not about your age it’s about how you feel and now you can feel great at any age! I can help you reprogram your genes, activating genes of longevity and health and deactivating genes of illness. God’s greatest creation is the Human Body, and he gave us one of those for free, how are you taking care of it? Are you investing enough on your Temple? We know that where you spend your time and money has everything to do with your priorities in life. If health is the most important thing, how much time and money are you investing in your health? People are busy and finances are limited, so we have to discern properly to make right choices. I am committed to being a partner and together we can resolve your issues. I am just the instrument he is using, I am the glove but he is the Hand.