Hart Peterson ND, specializes in a nutritional approach to digestive Issues, thyroid and endocrine support. Also allergies, anxiety, asthma, ADHD, depression, metabolic syndrome, fatigue, headaches, hypertension and skin disorders. Circulation, heart and oxygen flow issues can also be addressed. By using muscle integration he can also help to alleviate pain. Nutritional and dietary counseling is offered. We offer 'The Whole Body Battery Recharger System'. By Using a PEMF therapy mat just 1-2 times a day for 8 minutes you recharge your 100 trillion cells, improving ATP production, increasing oxygenation, enhancing circulation, promoting hydration, facilitating detoxification and gaining a better overall absorption of nutrients. It's like putting little 'tiny jumper cables' on all your cells and 'jump starting' them back to health. We offer a one time complimentary visit to use the PEMF mat, when you book an appointment with us.