At Damron's, we offer one-on-one service for firearm sales. We don't work off of commission either, so you'll always have an honest and helpful experience when you shop with us. We have the largest firearm selection in the Texas Panhandle, and we also have a collection of quality jewelry. We buy, sell, and trade about anything and offer a layaway plan with easy terms. Come by and see us our either of our locations in Amarillo.
When Robert Damron opened up his own shop, he did so based on what he knew and what he was passionate about. His father had owned a jewelry store growing up, and Robert thought that, by combining this knowledge with his love of firearms, he could start a place that specialized in both. In 2010, he did exactly that, helping people in the Panhandle buy, sell, and pawn things with the aid of his expert advice. He and his wife are still assisting customers from their two locations in Amarillo, and they still love inviting people to explore their selection, which includes everything from guitars and rifles to riding equipment. Whatever it is you're looking for, they'll be here to give you a hassle-free experience.