Most people who cannot afford to pay for a CDL Truck Driver Training School find that our CDL truck rental program is a less expensive alternative way to obtain a CDL saving thousands of dollars & time. We are not a school but here to assist in offering a very inexpensive alternative program to quickly get you into a CDL license within a week or less. When renting a truck form us you will practice one on one with one of our instructors in a combination vehicle. You will practice on the exact same road course that the DPS driver license examiner expects you to perform on the road test making it like déjà vu. We rent trucks & trailers for the Texas Class A CDL (Commercial Drivers License) road test. We are also here to assist you with passing the (Commercial Driver License) CDL written & road tests within 2 to 5 days at the DPS driver license office. This is the time to stop thinking about getting your CDL & do it. This is a great service & a very fair price.
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