A+UP started as a free private school in 2013 serving 45 middle schoolers in two rooms at the Health Museum in Houston. We received start-up funding from the Walton Family Foundation, Elkins Family Foundation, New Schools Venture Fund and Junior League Houston. A+UP showed tremendous results with students, averaging 1.5 years of growth for every year they were with us. With those results and community support, A+UP applied to the State of Texas to open and operate a public charter school. We were approved to open in 2015. A+UP has continued to show tremendous growth for its scholars. In 2019, A+UP consolidated its two small campuses in a new location in Houston's Midtown neighborhood where it currently serves just under 150 middle school students.
A small, tuition-free middle school meeting each student's learning needs, focusing on academics and character. We help each scholar meet their unlimited potential.