We specialize in the discovery and enjoyment of fine cigars and tobacco. Here at Addison Cigar, we take pride in every brand we offer our customers. Whether it's a bold cigar brimming with exotic aromas with every new draw or a reliable mild Davidoff, we strive to bring you the best cigars from all over the world. Addison Cigar also carries a wide range of pipe tobacco including virginia and cavendish. So come visit our shop, and have a nice smoke with great company at our fine establishment. Here at Addison Cigar and Tobacco Company, we understand many of you may want to smoke cigars, but you're perplexed by all of the brands, sizes, flavors, wrappers, and accessories. We were all new cigar smokers at one point, so, we welcome all of your questions. We'll do our best to pair your tastes with the perfect cigar or pipe tobacco. We even offer a member's lounge for that added degree of class and casual refinement. Stop by today and experience the Addison Cigar difference.