Nonresidential construction, nec, nec, Builders' hardware, Construction project management consultant
Pettus Mechanical and Plumbing Services is located in Muscle Shoals, Ala. The company has an average annual sales volume of $15 million. The corporation handles large plumbing and mechanical oriented projects in the commercial and industrial sectors. The company has also expanded to include heating, ventilation, controls, pneumatic and air conditioning work. Pettus is licensed to perform mechanical work in 40 states in the United States and general contractor work in six states. The company has completed jobs for International Paper, Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, Target, Tenneco, Sunbeam, Honeywell, Siemens Technologies, Tennessee Valley Authority, NASA, and Lowe's. The company also has branch offices in Mobile, Ala., and Counce, Tenn.