World Renowned Tennis Pro Walid Sakaan began Memphis Sports Academy in 1987. With a vision of both living his passion and providing the Memphis community with access to tennis beyond the traditional country club, Sakaan has coached hundreds of pupils from around the World. His students have competed and won on the local, state, national, and international levels, and earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in sports scholarships. Assistant Pro Omar Sakaan earned his spot alongisde his father as a first-class Coach. Destined to be a champion, the first thing he did was grab the stethoscope off of his delivery doctor's neck, prompting Walid to comment on his strong forehand only moments after he was born. Nationally ranked at a young age, Omar went on to compete as the first seed on Christian Brother's Tennis Team on a sports scholarship. He brings a lifetime of experience, knowledge, and love of the sport to the court.
Memphis Sports Academy offers private and group tennis lessons, weekly clinics, and indoor court rentals. Whether looking to train as a professional competitor, hone your skills on the court, or just improve your overall health, our pros have the experience and skills needed to meet your needs. Visit us at memphistennispros.com or call to schedule a lesson today!