The Suburban Republican Women's Club, Federated, formerly known as the Greater Seminole Republican Women's Club, is a dedicated organization that has been actively involved in promoting Republican candidates and issues since its establishment in March 1971. Affiliated with the Florida Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women, the club aims to reclaim and reform the Republican Party, advocating for conservative values and principles. Through education, activities, and active participation, they strive to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government and support true conservative candidates in primaries.
The Suburban Republican Women's Club, Federated, is a strong advocate for small government, lower taxes, free-market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and Constitutional values. Their mission is to restore Republicans' faith in the GOP and bring the party back to its pro-Constitution roots. With a focus on Seminole County, they provide a platform for like-minded individuals who believe in the reform of the Republican Party to achieve their goal of a constitutional government.
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